Free Legal Documents, Forms and Contracts

Print or download your customized legal document in 5-10 minutes.The leading publisher of do-it-yourself legal documents, forms, and contracts.

We offer over 150 document templates suitable for use in all 50 states. Whether you’re interested in protecting your estate, lending money, managing a rental property, or setting up a business, we pride ourselves in empowering our millions of users to create and customize their own legal documents and contracts.

Our document templates are thorough—they’re built by our dedicated team of legally trained professionals who have practiced law in a range of countries around the world. Our legal team works closely with our staff of professional writers to maintain our library of legal document templates and resources so you can navigate your personal situation with confidence.

Simply answer a few questions to create and edit a custom legal document to save, share, or print for your personal or professional use. This saves you money on expensive legal fees while ensuring that your documents are as accurate and up-to-date as possible.

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