Simple Hacks For An Eco-Friendly Remodel

There’s no doubt that home renovations can have a negative environmental impact. Between the home features thrown to the curb, new materials, and energy use, these projects are not exactly the greenest option.

Fortunately, you don’t have to sacrifice your commitment to the planet while making these home improvements. There are steps you can take to make your next project more sustainable.

“There has never been a better time to renovate green, given the abundance of Earth-friendly building material choices as well as contractors well-versed in energy- and resource-efficiency,”  moving forward.”

Select used, recycled, or reclaimed materials.

One of the best ways to reduce your environmental footprint is rising damp. And in the case of remodeling or homebuilders construction, this means selecting the right materials, as well as the right professionals if you are hiring someone, looking for a company that specializes on both remodeling and construction is always your best option

  1. Choose the best windows and doors.

    While they might be more expensive, higher quality windows and doors will insulate your house better and lower your energy consumption. Drafty windows let air escape, increasing your energy bills by 10-25%. That’s not something you want to risk when trying to build a green home, so make sure your windows and doors are insulating the house.

  2. Invest in higher quality materials.

    The better the materials, the longer they last. This means less waste in the long run. For example, copper gutters can last about 50 years, while galvanized steel gutters only last 20 years or less. Making the investment in the stronger material will mean far less metal in landfills and less consumption overall.